Tuesday 1 July 2014

Appreciate the Little Things

Hello Everybody!
In life, I think we lose sight of what is important. Our society grows more narcissistic everyday as we idolise and worship those who are wealthy and famous. Humans have become so disconnected from each other and we are growing ungrateful for the little things.
Do you remember when you were younger and you would get so excited over the littlest things? My friend is one of six children, her youngest brother just turned 4. For his birthday he wanted nothing but a box. When he unwrapped his presents on his birthday, he was over the moon when he saw this cardboard box. He spent hours playing with it and it made me realise how ungrateful I am.
For my birthday the list was longer then Santa’s good and bad list. The things that were on that list I would probably use once and then it would be put in my wardrobe never to be used again.
When i was about 7 years old, my sister and i got in a disagreement about a doughnut. In the packet there was a strawberry and a chocolate doughnut. My sister and I didn’t care that we were getting a doughnut, all we cared about was getting the chocolate doughnut. My mum came in and tried to explain to us both that we were being ungrateful, but being 7 years old we just said ‘*whining* That’s not fair’.
We continued to argue for a few more minutes until mum said that we were not allowed a doughnut anymore. That was followed by tears and more whining from my sister and I. We didn’t understand how selfish we were being.
My mum asked us to go to our rooms and write a list of things that are important to us. On the list were things such as: an education, family, friends, food, oxygen, a bed, and water. She then pointed out to us that ‘getting the chocolate doughnut’ was not on the list.  (the photo below is my sisters list)

Mum also read us a book called ‘if the world was a village of 100 people’. This book showed us how lucky we were. We realised we were so privileged to live the way we live: getting three main meals a day, having a bed to sleep on, a computer and getting a good education.

I think we all forget this every now and then. So let’s all take a moment and just appreciate the little things in life.
“Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough” – Oprah Winfrey 

xxx Paris


  1. This was brilliant! You should post more xx

  2. I could not agree more, our society is forgetting to appreciate the little things. Great post (:

  3. We need more people in the world like this
