Friday 15 August 2014

You never appreciate what you have until its gone

For the last few months I have been off dancing due to a back injury. Now, I have been dancing since 2004 and have only ever missed a few classes. Dancing is the one thing that I always looked forward to each week. I danced on a Tuesday, doing: classical, jazz and pointe and then on Saturday I did: ballet and contemporary. I also student teach grade 2,3 in ballet and jazz. To go from doing something every week, to not doing it for months has honestly been one of the hardest things I have done. Dancing is so special to me, it’s my way to relax and helps reduce stress. Some of my closest friends are at dance, and my teachers are amazing.  

Having a back injury is hard. It’s not like I could just go and do netball instead, or go for a run when I needed to relax. There was a few days where I missed school because I couldn’t get out of bed. I found myself becoming more overwhelmed by everything and missing out on all these fun activities like school rowing and my dance exam.

My first blog post was called ‘Appreciate the little things’. To be honest, I never really appreciated dancing until I couldn’t dance. It was just something fun I use to do twice a week to relax and stay fit. To sit on the sidelines and watch all my friends having fun was so hard because all I wanted to do was be dancing around with them.

Anyway, the reason for this post is to say: Appreciate what you have. I know I seem to toss that saying around a lot but you really never appreciate what you have until its gone.

Sunday 13 July 2014


Hello Everybody!
I thought I would introduce you all to my puppy Monte! We rescued him from the RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) when he was 8 months old. 

Ever since I was a little girl, I always loved dogs. No matter what kind or size, I loved them. When I was younger my family had a German Shepherd x Kelpie called Richo. He was a very energetic puppy and use to jump the fence. We ended up giving him to my grandparents who owned a farm so he would have lots of space to run around and have fun! Unfortunately he got bitten by a snake and passed away :(  

 A few years later we got a Golden Retriever called Spencer. He was a kind, caring and loving dog. After a few years, our neighbours got a puppy and Spencer use to bark at night. This resulted in us having to put him up for adoption. However, he is now happily living on a farm with another dog.

Monte at 9 months
Monte is a combination of both personalities. He is  a loud, energetic and adventurous dog. He loves running around, playing with his toys and going for walks. During the day he loves to run around in the garden, chasing birds and burying his bones. Then at night he loves cuddling up on the couch and sleeping.
During the heat wave in Melbourne 16/1/2014

Monte - AKA Ball of Fluff 12/07/2014 

 If you have any questions or ideas, comment down below. Follow my blog if you dont want to miss a post :)

xxx Paris

Time flies

Hello Everybody!
Sorry I haven’t posted anything in a while…I really have no excuse except for laziness. I have been on holidays for the last two weeks so I have wanted to do nothing productive. However, even though I have been lying on the couch watching or future posts. I am just serching through old photos for this afternoons post!
xxx Paris

Wednesday 2 July 2014

July....Horseradish month??

Hello Everybody!
I was reading a magazine in the waiting room of the dentist a few weeks ago and I came across something quite bizarre. There was this page showing all the weird and wacky holidays of June. I thought this would be a great idea for a post. I hopped onto the internet and looked up the July holidays.

1st : Canada Day – Marks the birthday of Canada

2nd: I Forgot Day- A day that gives you the chance to make up for forgotten birthdays, anniversaries etc

3rd: Compliment your mirror day – A day to step back and compliment your reflection

4th: Independence for meat day – a day to try and go meat free

5th: Bikini day – marks the anniversary of the invention of the bikini. (1946, Louis Reard)

6th: Fried Chicken Day- A day dedicated to eating fried chicken

7th: Chocolate day- A day dedicated to eating chocolate

8th: SCUD day – Savour the comic , unplug the drama day

9th: Sugar Cookie Day – a day to celebrate the invention of the sugar cookie

10th: Teddy Bears Picnic Day-  A day to stroll down to the woods with your favourite teddy

11th: Cow appreciation Day- A day to appreciate these wonderful animals (moo)

12th: Different coloured eyes day – a day to celebrate the variations of iris colour

13th: GEEK day- A day to embrace your inner geekiness

14th: Shark Awareness Day- A day dedicated to saving sharks

15th: Gummy Worm Day- A day to celebrate the invention of one of the most popular sweets.

16th: Corn Fritters Day- a day dedicated to eating corn fritters

17th: Yellow Pig Day- a day celebrate the invention of the yellow pig

18th: Caviar Day – a day to  treat yourself with some caviar

19th: Raspberry cake day – A day to eat raspberry cake

20th: Moon Day- a day to celebrate all the achievements made in space (first footsteps etc..)

21st: National Junk Food Day- a day to satisfy your craving for junk food

22nd: Hammock Day- a day to relax and chill on a hammock

23rd: Hot dog Day- A day dedicated to eating hot dogs

24th: Drive-thru day- A day to go through drive through

25th: Thread a Needle Day- A day to learn how to sew or to get back into it

26th: Aunt and uncle day- a day to thank your aunt and uncle

27th: Walking on stilts day –a day to celebrate the invention and use of stilts

28th: Milk Chocolate Day- A day to celebrate everything good about milk chocolate

29th: Rain day- a day to celebrate rain and its power

30th: Cheesecake Day- A day to indulge on cheesecake

31st: Uncommon Instruments Awareness day- A day to celebrate all the uncommon instruments in the world

I cannot wait for chocolate day, i love +Cadbury chocolate hehe (: Can you believe humans have come up with all these weird but wonderful holidays! Leave the day you find the craziest down in the comments!!

xxx Paris

21 Questions About Me

Hello Everybody!

1.What is your favourite food? I love profiteroles and bacon 

2. When was the last time you cried? I cried a few days ago because I was watching Marley and Me

3. Who is your favoutie music artist? I love Lana Del Rey and Marina and the Diamonds

4. Do you like cooking? I like baking cakes and cookies but I am not a good cook

5. Do you use sarcasm a lot? I am fluent in sarcasm

6. Will you ever sky dive? I really want to go sky diving. Something about throwing myself out of a plane intrigues me.

7. What’s your favourite cereal? Coco Pops 
8. What’s the first thing you notice about people? I notice their eyes and the way their voice sounds
9. What is your eye colour? Brown/Hazel

10. Scary movie or happy endings? I love scary movies! I love the suspense and the jump scares.

11. Favorite smells? Freshly cut grass and tulips.

12. Summer or winter? Winter. I live in Australia....we have ridiculously hot weather in summer! This year we had 10 consecutive days over 40o Celsius. In Fahrenheit that is 10 days over 104o. In winter sometimes it is in the low twenties. Perfect weather for me (:

13. Computer or television? Computer – I can happily spend 6 hours straight scolling through my social media

14. What’s the furthest you’ve ever been from home? The furthest I have been from home is the U.S and Canada

15. Do you have any special talents? I can eat an entire block of chocolate by myself 

16. Where were you born? Melbourne, Australia 
17. What are your hobbies? I love to dance and sleep 

18. Do you have any pets? I have a puppy called Monte 

19. Favorite movie(s)? Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Aladdin are my favourite movies

20. Do you have any siblings? Yes, I have an older sister called Chloe
Look at my chubby cheeks (:
21. What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be happy (:

I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about me!

xxx Paris

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Appreciate the Little Things

Hello Everybody!
In life, I think we lose sight of what is important. Our society grows more narcissistic everyday as we idolise and worship those who are wealthy and famous. Humans have become so disconnected from each other and we are growing ungrateful for the little things.
Do you remember when you were younger and you would get so excited over the littlest things? My friend is one of six children, her youngest brother just turned 4. For his birthday he wanted nothing but a box. When he unwrapped his presents on his birthday, he was over the moon when he saw this cardboard box. He spent hours playing with it and it made me realise how ungrateful I am.
For my birthday the list was longer then Santa’s good and bad list. The things that were on that list I would probably use once and then it would be put in my wardrobe never to be used again.
When i was about 7 years old, my sister and i got in a disagreement about a doughnut. In the packet there was a strawberry and a chocolate doughnut. My sister and I didn’t care that we were getting a doughnut, all we cared about was getting the chocolate doughnut. My mum came in and tried to explain to us both that we were being ungrateful, but being 7 years old we just said ‘*whining* That’s not fair’.
We continued to argue for a few more minutes until mum said that we were not allowed a doughnut anymore. That was followed by tears and more whining from my sister and I. We didn’t understand how selfish we were being.
My mum asked us to go to our rooms and write a list of things that are important to us. On the list were things such as: an education, family, friends, food, oxygen, a bed, and water. She then pointed out to us that ‘getting the chocolate doughnut’ was not on the list.  (the photo below is my sisters list)

Mum also read us a book called ‘if the world was a village of 100 people’. This book showed us how lucky we were. We realised we were so privileged to live the way we live: getting three main meals a day, having a bed to sleep on, a computer and getting a good education.

I think we all forget this every now and then. So let’s all take a moment and just appreciate the little things in life.
“Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough” – Oprah Winfrey 

xxx Paris